Tuesday 27 November 2012

Lecture 1: "Modernity & Modernism: An Introduction"

Notes Made in Lecture:

Modernity: Historical phase in western society.
Our Contemporary culture is much influenced by Modernism.
Modernity – Industrialisation, urbanisation.
Modern artist’s response to the city.
Psychology and subjective experience
New art forms such as Photography emerged ultimately from the Modern era.
John Ruskin – 1819-1900
Modernity starts mid 18th century, ends early 20th century – can be argued.
Ruskin was one of the first to describe “Modern”. Moving away from the “Classical”.
“The Highland Shepherd” – Holman Hunt.

“The New Women” photomontage, Spanish pavilion, Paris International Exhibition. 1937.
Positivity, progression, to improve – Modern.
TATE Modern – The most cutting edge progression in art.
Optimism, looking forwards, to build, always to improve.
Charles Jencks – says modernism died after demolition of the Pruitt, 15th July 1972. SYMBOLISM.
Paris 1900 – quintessential modern city. – industrial centre, urbanisation.
Pre modern – William Holman Hunt, rural, ordered by seasons.
Trottoir Roullant – (electric moving walkway).
Rapid advances in technology.
Railways, Telephone get invented – V. IMPT.
Mass communication, the world shrinks to be a more manageable place.
Dense society, faster moving.
World Time Standardised – had to come up with this after the invention of the railway system.
A world full of discovery and dizzying experiment.
Shopping as leisure activity starts in Modernism.
Hyde Park Picture House – Site of Modernity – GO SEE.
“Enlightment Project” – period in late 18th century when scientific/philosophical thinking made leaps and bounds.
Process of rationality & reason.
THE CITY – modernism – almost a figure.
A whole new pace/style of life.
“The Painter of Modern Life” – poem/ essay first documentation.
The experience of the city is the subject.
Paris 1850s on = a New Paris.
Hausman – city architect redesigns Paris.
Lots of old crumbling streets/danger lots of crime.
Large boulevards replaced the narrow streets of Paris. First city really to reinvent itself.
Caillebotte – Painter capturing ‘Modern Life’ , the experience of the modern city.
Psychology experiments, speed of modern life would send people crazy.
How the mind is effected by the speed of modern life.
Alienation within modern world, increased divide between working class and middle class.
Fashion is an important factor within a city it divides you from the crowd and shows individuality.
Degas – “ Absinthe Drinker” – psycho active drink, bi-product of modernity.

Composition shows it new artistic form influenced and response from Photography.
Painting starts a dialogue with Photography.
Kaiser panorama – 1883 – viewing experience.
Engaging with the world more visually with the image.
Max Nordau – Degeneration – 1892 – anti-modernist, thought it was awful to be bombarded with information, The degeneration of humanity.
Modernism emerges out of the subjective responses of artists/designers to; MODERNITY.
Subjective experience, how people experience modernity.
Modernism through any art form, is a way of responding the experience.
To paint the “experience” the sensory dislocation. Monet – new techniques.
Experimenting with painting in this time is a response from the threat of Photography.
Paintings formally where the only way to document the world. Photography takes this and does it more objectively.
Different views of the world gives you a different understanding of the world.
Relationship between science, new forms of knowledge, artistically.
Dialogue between the Modern & the Modernist.
Anti-Historicism – Modernism in design.
Truth to materials.
Form follows Function.
Cutlery produced with new material, new style, simplicity, anti-decoration, functionality first. Form Follows function.
Adolf Loos – “Ornament is crime” 1908.
Simple geometric forms appropriate to the material being used.
No need to look backward to older styles.
Designs going by the idea of being timeless.
The Bauhaus – Radical art institution.

“Internationalism” – A language of design that could be understandable to all.

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