Tuesday 27 November 2012

Lecture 3: Graphic Design; A Medium for the Masses

Notes Made in Lecture:

  • "Graphic design coming from visual communicating through ever sort of art in a way"
  • John Everett Millais, 'Bubbles' 1886, Pears Soap Advertisement.
  • 1922, William Addison Dwiggins- came up with the term Graphic Design. 
  • Sophistication of Art vs Graphic Design - conveying a message. 
  • Herbert Spencer : 'Mechanized Art' 
  • Max Bill & Josef Muller-Brockman: 'VisCom' 
  • Paul Rand: '...graphic design deals with the spectator.'
  • Richard Hollius. 
  • 'ethically and culturally, reflect its responsibility society...' - Muller-Brockman. 
  • Series of books called 'Looking Closer'
  • Steven Helller - historian and writer of graphic design. 
  • Toulouse-Lautrec advertisements for bars. 
  • Alphonse Mucha, 'Job', 1898, poster for cigerette papers. 
  • Charles Rennie Mackintosh - Scottish, 1896. 
  • Koleman Moser - 1902, 13th Secession Exhibition. 
  • Peter Behrens, AEG, 1910 
  • Saville Lumley, "Daddy, what did YOU do in Great War?", 1915 war poster. 
  • Alfred Leete, "Britons wants you!" 1914. 
  • James Montgomery Flagg, "I want you for the US Army" 
  • Julius Gipkens, "Trophies of the Air War".
  • Wassily Kandinsky, (1886-1944)
  • Composition VIII, 1923, Russian Artist. 
  • El Lissitzky, 'Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge', 1919
  • F.H. Stingermore, (UK), London Underground Map, 1931. 
  • Henry C. (Harny) Beck, (UK), London Underground Map, 1933.
  • Simon Patterson, "The Great Bear", 1992, lithogram on paper. 

  • Constellation of stars - in this piece Patterson puts celebrities on the Underground Map instead of Station names. 
  • Oshar Schlemmer, (German), Bauhaus Logo, 1922. 
  • Laszlo Mokoly-Nagy, "Painting Photography Film" 
  • Herbert Bayer, "Kandinsky 60th Birthday Exhibition" 
  • Piet Zwart, "Het Boek van PTT, " 1938 (Dutch telephone book) .
  • Herbert Matter (Swiss), 1932-34, 'Swiss Tourist Board' 
  • A.M. Cassandre, 'L'intrasigeant', 1925. 
  • ", 'Etoile du Nord', 1927- minimalist representation.
  • Tom Purvis, 'LNER', 1937- pictorialist representation.
  • Ludwig Hohlwein-1934-nazi propaganda posters. 
  • Ludwig Vierthaler, 1936, 'Degenerate Art' Exhibition of art collected together by Hitler - art considered 'bad' was shown. 
  • ",'Stalingrad; The New Star of Freedom' 1942.
  • Pere Catala i Pic, "Lets squash fascism, 1936' (Spanish)
  • V.Deni & N. Dolgorukor (Russian) 1939. 
  • G Klucis, 1930 - Russian 
  • 'Art and Power' - Book. 
  • Abram Games, catalogue for Festival of Britain, Exhibition of Science, 1951
  • Paul Rand, 'Advert for Jacqueline Cochran,' 1946

  • Helmut Krone - volkswagen adverts
  • Saul Bass, 1950s - key designer of the period, does film posters, sets a tone for graphic design of the period. 
  • Ken Garland, 'First Things First Manifesto' 1964 - designers starting to question what they do, consumerism etc. 
  • F.H.K. Henrion, 'Stop Nuclear Suicide' 1960
  • Art workers Colaition, 'Q. And Babies? A. and Babies,' 1970
  • Hypnosis,  10CC, 'Deceptive Bends Sleeve Design,' 1977
  • Jamie Reid, Sex Pistols, Never Mind the Bollacks, Sleeve Design, 1977. 

  • Peter Saville, FAC 001, 'The Factory Club Night' poster. 
  • Neville Brody, 'The Face' Magazine covers, 1980s.

  • David Carson, 'Dont mistake legibility for communication.' , 'Ray Gun' 
  • Peter Blake, 'Band Aid: Do they know its Christmas?' 1984
  • Chumbawamba, 'Pictures of Starving Children Sell Records' 1986
  • Designers Republic, 'Pop Will Eat Itself' 1994 - Sleeve design
  • Julian House, 'Primal Scream, Xterminator' Sleeve Design, 2000
  • The Coup, 'Party Music' 2001 CD cover - highly politicized rap group.

  • Steven Heller - important commentator of graphic design. 
  • Jonathon BarnBrook, 'Bastard Typeface' 1990

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