Wednesday 28 November 2012

Notes on Artist Research

From Creative Review magazine, Photography Annual 2012:

  • "The Baths" - by Frank Herholdt - inspired by the work of the Pre-Raphaelites, Herholdt's 'The Bath' is actually shot of his family on holiday. 

- "Renowned for his advertising and editorial photography work." 
- "The image has an ethereal painterly atmosphere so it comes as little surprise to discover that Herholdt was inspired by classical art." 
- "I have a love of figurative painting, my work is heavily influenced by classic art," he says. "The Pre-Raphaelites spring to mind." 
- Shot this particular image with a Canon 5D camera. 

  • "The Silence of Dogs in Cars" - Martin Usborne - series inspired by a childhood incident in which he was left alone in a car outside a shop. 

- "portraits of dogs that are both beautiful and strangely poignant." 

  • "Titans of the Stage" - Nadav Kander - portraiture of actors and actresses in Black and White. *Keep in mind for Portraiture Project. 

  • "Bad Guy's" - Nadav Kander - "A series of portraits of actors known for playing bad guys, shot for GQ USA in London and LA. *Again keep in mind for Portraiture Project. 

  • "Up my street" - Dylan Collard - Part of an ongoing series of portraits of the shop keepers in Collard's local high street. 

- "The inspiration came on a late bus ride home when the shop fronts glowed out in the dark, warm and inviting as I peered in from the rain," he says. *Keep in mind for Landscape Project. 

  • "Appleby Horse Fair" - Spencer Murphy - "Appleby Horse Fair is an annual event attended by gypsy and traveller families. For one week the Cumbrian town is transformed, its population swelling from 2,500 to up to 40,000."

  • "Paradise Parking" - Peter Lippmann - "Lippmann travelled the French countryside in search of abandoned vintage cars reclaimed by nature. The series offers a poetic look at the relationship between the creations of man and mother nature." 

  • "Memorial" - Thomas Brown - "In this collaboration with set designer Sarah May, Brown sought to explore the public presentation of memory and commemoration." *Keep in mind for Still Life Project. 

  • "My Wife's Fight with Breast Cancer" - Angelo Merendino for Corbis - "Two years after her initial diagnosis, Mevendino began to document his wife Jennifer's battle with cancer and their daily life. In December 2011, Jennifer passed away." 

  • "Disguise" - Alys Tomlinson - "From a series of images exploring children's identity, expression and imagination. Each child was asked to create their own character and express their personality through building their 'own' disguise". 

From Tim Walker - Pictures Book: 

  • "Skull-and-Crossbones Chandelier, London, 2006" - 'We made a chandelier for each season, like a calender, I suppose. This was clearly for Halloween.' <<< Very interesting concept. 

  • "Series-Pantomime" - British Vogue 

  • "Eglingham Graffiti, Eglingham Hall, Northumberland, 2007" 

  • "Eglingham Stream, Eglingham Hall..." 

  • "Jasmin Guiness nairn, Scotland, 1998" 

  • "Midsomer Nights Dream Series"

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