Tuesday 27 November 2012

Photographic Style

Style - Unique, A look, approach, Era/Time, Defining/Branding.

If Unique then it has to be original - due to either subject matter or technique or both.

Historically - a reflection of the artist's time, having a cultural reference or context.

  • The more mundane the image the more it excites and interests him. 
  • Considered one of the most influential photographers of our time. 
  • "(Martin Parr) Encapsulates the vulgarity of this period." 
  • Not simply just a Documentary Photographer. 
  • "Familiarity breeds contempt."
  • Martin Parr grew up in a suburban setting which to most is considered dull and mundane. 
  • The backgrounds of photographers quite alot of the time where dull, they were considered lost people and having a camera was almost a gateway into the rest of the world. 
  • Parr was an Obsessional Photographer. 
  • Always collecting bits of information - to make sense of the world. 
  • Culturally his photography has a distinct change from moving to the North of England from the South.
  • When he was in the North of England he effectively captured a community which was soon to die out in its traditions. 
  • At this time Parr wanted to belong to something, but he discovered that however involved he got with the community he was still not apart of it. 
  • Quite alot of Parr's photography has an underlining political element. 
  • To a certain extent photography is a form of exploitation. 
  • Martin Parr's home is a reflection of what kind of person he is, he collects to the excess, nothing is too obscure or thrown away. 
  • Parr photographed 'classes' originally documenting the working class he moved on to the middle class. 
  • Very pessimistic of this fast developing world. 
  • His photography is quintessentially British. 
  • Parr and his work can be described as Obsessive, Kitsh, Collector, Horder. 
  • His personality is projected through his work. 
  • When you look at how he has developed as a photographer he has almost evolved with the times.
  • 3 stylistic techniques as he has developed. 
  • 1) Traditional Black and White film. 2) Medium format camera colour film. 3) Macro lens/vulgarity to colour saturation. 
  • Look up the book 'Common Sense' - Martin Parr. 
  • He uses a 'ringflash' technique in his photography. 
  • The lower the ISO the higher the saturation in colour. Parr is known to use 50 ISO film. 
  • His images hold objects that however mundane they seem have a symbol. 
  • When remaking images in the style of Martin Parr focus on the book 'Common Sense'. 

  • Look up the series "Bye Bye Photography" 
  • 'Provoke' - group of photographers who produced a magazine of unconventional photography (Look up) 
  • Moriyama produces High contrast Black and White images. 
  • His images are full of atmosphere and mood.
  • There's alot of grain to his images, quite gritty and rough which adds to the atmosphere.
  • Moriyama's images are interesting compositionally. Lots of shape and movement. 
  • "Memories of a Dog" , "Nasty Photos" 
  • He describes himself as wandering from alley to alley like a stray dog or alley cat. 
  • He uses a compact camera which he feels is not as intimidating when taking photographs of people. 
  • Moriyama describes his images as seductive. 
  • He goes out just before noon to go in search of images rather than planning and premeditating on an idea. 
  • He feels like an outsider looking in to the world. 
  • His images are almost a symbolism of melted down photography which is to its bare minimum. 
  • Slightly on edge. 
  • His images absorb you and makes you feel claustrophobic at the same time. 
  • Quality not being an issue in his photographs. 
  • Its important to think about what camera type you will be using to portray certain styles of imagery. 
  • Subject matter is not specific. 
  • The point is to find something that's sympathetic towards the artists work.
  • Think about culturally how images change visually. 
  • Each country has a different approach to visually communicate images. 


  • Mostly images are in square format, colour.
  • Have a magical type quality to the image. 
  • Karauchi uses lens flare, light is very important to her images. 
  • Mythical, enchanting images. 
  • Very much about colour, light and the poetic quality to an image.
  • Usually she presents her work in collage form when exhibiting in a gallery. 
  • This means the images interplay with each other rather than just one stand alone image. 
  • Look up the book "Illuminants" 


  • Constructivism propaganda, montage, modernistic. 
  • Modernist style. 
  • Looking at shape. 
  • Use of light and frame. 
  • Played around with the composition and view point.

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